Saturday, December 08, 2012

Sleep at last........well kinda

Sleep has been a frustrating subject the last few weeks as Josiah has seemed to be going less time between feeds at night, not more. Just as I was beginning to wonder if he would ever go more than four hours between feeds a beautiful thing happened. One night, totally out of the blue, he went SEVEN hours between feeds! And then after I fed him and put him back to sleep he went for another 6.5 hours before waking up!! It was bliss.

Of course I foolishly got excited thinking he would do the same thing the next night. But did he? Nope! Woke up every four or five hours. Boo! And the next night he woke every three or four hours - double boo! I thought to myself he's just teasing us. He's saying "look mummy and daddy, I can sleep for ages, I just choose not to cos I enjoy messing with your head mwahhaha" (that's evil laughter in case you didn't know).

Well thankfully he has actually started sleeping that long on a semi regular basis (ie has done it three more times now so I'm counting that as a success). Does that mean I am now getting a long peaceful nights sleep? No. Baby is sleeping. Daddy is sleeping. But I still keep waking up through the night. And then I lie there with a baby snoring on one side of me and my husband snoring on the other side of me trying to get back to sleep.

Another downside to Josiah sleeping so long is that someone forgot to inform my boobs about the change in schedule. By the time Josiah wakes up to feed my boobs feel like they're about to explode. When he starts feeding it comes out so fast the poor kid is spluttering and choking and spitting milk everywhere. And when he decides to pull away to avoid drowning in breast milk the result is high pressure splatter everywhere. The other night I got hit in the eye by my own milk - IN THE EYE!! This is one of the many hazards of breastfeeding that never seems to get covered in antinatal classes. Oh how I would love to lead breastfeeding sessions at antinatal classes and tell people what it's really like - how challenging, at times painful, ultimately rewarding and down right hilarious it really can be.

One final comedy annecdote for you all:
The other day I was talking to my husband and I used the phrase 'let down reflex'. He looked at me quizzically and said "What's a let down reflex? Is than when I ask you for sex and you say you're too tired?"

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