Thursday, June 22, 2006

God's on our side

"If God is for me, who can be against me?" Romans 8:31

...who can be against me? I'm sure we can all think of a long list of stuff we feel is against us. Bad health, financial problems, fear, insecurity, exhaustion, stress, difficult circumstances...

But there's good news - God is for us, He's on our side! Let's think about this phrase - say it out loud, declare it for all to hear, let it really soak in - God is for you!!!

GOD is for me - though other people may be against you, God is with you. The all powerful creator of the universe is on our side.

God IS for me - not might be, not was, not will be one day. It's true, it's certain, it's current. Right now at this very moment as you read this God is with you. It's not dependant on anything you do or don't do. God is totally 100% with us right now.

God is FOR me - he's on my side. He's like the guy on the sideline cheering you on. He's like the guy at the finish line waiting to congratulate you. He's there to carry you when you can't go any further.

God is for ME - it's easy to think he's looking out for everyone else but not me. But the truth is he's crazy about every one of us. If God had a calendar your birthday would be on it. If he had a wallet your picture would be in it. He's got your name tatooed on his hand. He's your number one fan.

So, if God's with us what trouble could possibly overcome us? My purpose can't be taken. My value can't be diminished. Nothing and no-one can defeat me. I'm protected. God is with me. Why was I even stressing?!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Can’t believe another year is almost over! Where does the time go? Old people often talk about time seeming to pass quicker the older you get – am I getting old?

Today I realised that though the year is almost over I barely know most of the team. I’m surrounded by an amazing bunch of people who I love dearly but who are still relative strangers to me. Why do I do that? Why do I wait so long to open up to people? There’s been times this year I’ve found real tough but I kept it all inside instead of leaning on these people that God has given me for support. Isn’t it funny how we all wear masks – trying to hide who we really are for fear of how others will respond. Fear of rejection is such a big barrier to building real strong friendships – it sucks!!! Often there’s a big gap between who we think we are and how other people see us. For instance, I’ve noticed recently that most people seem to think I’m not a very affectionate person. When it comes to handing out hugs I often get missed cos people think I’m just not like that. Truth is, I’m just scared to initiate affection but actually I love it.

Humans are funny old creatures. I sometimes feel like life’s a bit of a game of trying to figure each other out – a game which I suck at!! I’m sick of hiding and I’m sick of playing games. I wanna be real with people. I want to show them who I really am, warts and all, so I can have real friendships! So, how do I change? Father God, please lift me out of this rut I appear to be stuck in!

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Many happy returns to Jeff - happy 21st!!! Well, today's been a pretty chilled day. After a pretty heavy and emotional morning of talking about getting our relationship right with God and with each other we headed for pizza hut. I foolishly made the mistake of having pepsi with my all you can eat buffet - school boy error!! Then feeling suffiently bloated we all went to play pitch and putt. A very pleasant afternoon was had by all. Of particular note were Emily's amazing skills (beginners luck or future pro?) and Annan's hilarious habit of talking to the ball! Now we're all chilling back at the Gateway and as I write this there's a game of Buzz going on in the background - another hard day at the office!!
So, Jeff, what are you going to name your badger?!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A weekend in Brum

Well, had a great time in birmingham over the weekend. Was really nice to see a few old friends. Money's been a bit tight recently and I was worried about spending too much while away so had second thoughts about going. I'm so glad I decided to go and it turned out to be one of the cheapest weekends ever!! Had a great time at Epic - nice to finally see that place! Kinda wish I'd taken my skates though. I'm such a wuss about skating when there's lots of people around haha! Was nice to see Rich again. The sweaty hug after he'd been skating for 2hrs wasn't so nice though haha!

I had a very nice morning with Clare - sat chatting for hours about life the universe and everything. Don't you just love those kinda friendships where you can lose touch for months and then when you see each other again it's like you've barely been apart.

Big thanks to Rob for driving me up there and keeping me amused for the long drive with his interesting music taste and random questions (hmm, how would I spend £130 million???.......)

Monday, June 19, 2006

I HATE football!!

Argh! The world cup is doing my head in. it's all anyone talks about at the minute and it's driving me crazy. I don't mind watching the england matches with a few mates - good chance to socialise and all that. But there's matches on all the time - it's like I can't escape it! Everyone seems to be planning their life around the matches and in the office all work goes out the window as soon as there's any game on. I wish I could move to a small island with a few other football haters just while the world cup is on. Anyone with me?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

emerging church

Seems like a lot of people have been having a bit of a rethink about how they live out their relationship with God and what church looks like. Someone sent me a link to some great articles on emerging church that I've found really interesting and thought I'd share with you guys...

I'm naturally someone who likes order and structure. I like things to be black and white. But I'm starting to see that God doesn't work that way. We often categorise people as Christian or non-Christian, non-churched, un-churched, religious, non-religious, irreligious, athiest or whatever else. I used to use those labels too but recently my thinking has been really challenged. I've started to see that there's people in my life who don't neatly fit into any of these boxes! I like the article about the church who descibe themselves as "becoming church, becoming Christian". How do we define what a Christian is? At what point would you say Jesus disciples became Christians? Was it when they first decided to follow Jesus? But they knew so little about who he was or what they were signing up for? Or was it when they first realised he was the Messiah? They may have come to a deeper understanding of who he was but they still messed up, doubted and misunderstood. Peter denied even knowing Jesus only a few weeks later - hardly a dedicated follower? Was it when Jesus rose from the dead? Even then some doubted him! Not so easy to pin point is it??! And yet so often the church puts an emphasis on seeing people 'converted' from a non-Christian in to a Christian.

The Bible prefers to use the term 'follower' instead of Christian. I would suggest the disciples became followers of Jesus from the time they first met him. From then on they were on a journey. There were many key points on that journey that brought them to a higher level of understanding and a deeper, richer experience of God. Our lives are much the same. I think it's unhelpful to view being a Christian as a destination to be reached or a level of holiness to be attained. I'm sure at some point we've all felt like we're not good enough and don't match up to what a Christian should be!!! To view Christianity as a journey instead of a destination brings so much more freedom! No more feeling guilt or frustration that I've not reached a certain destination. Instead I'm learning to kick back, enjoy the ride and take in the scenery. I'm learning to savour what God is doing in my life right now instead of always wanting to rush on to the next thing. It's an adventure of faith that we are all on together. Let's stop comparing where we are at and just enjoy each others company on the ride.

sorting my thoughts

Well, this is all a bit strange and new. Never thought I'd find myself setting up a blog but here I am. Why? Been doing a lot of thinking recently, about a lot of things. One of those things is community - particularly Christian community. As I read the Bible I see that the early Christian church was all about community - real people making real strong connections. It was all about parties, BBQ's on the beach, going to the temple together, sharing meals, sharing their whole lives together. As I read I see strong bonds of genuine love and concern. Then I started examining my own life to see how it compares. Is strong community a part of my relationship with God? I attend a large church which has many good points but it's hard to have a deep connection with 500 people. Sometimes I long to move to a smaller church but I know that's not what God wants right now. So how can I make deep relationships a bigger feature in my life? I've started to realise that part of the answer lies in me getting off my butt and making more effort. Part of it is about being more creative in the ways I connect - hence setting up a blog. God created us to be interdependant. There are many lessons in life that I can only learn if others teach me and things I can only understand with others help. To be me, I need you. I'm hoping this blog will give me a chance to explore my thoughts and share my experiences alongside other people. I guess like a cyberspace pilgrimage? So, greetings my fellow pilgrims. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey.