Wednesday, June 14, 2006

sorting my thoughts

Well, this is all a bit strange and new. Never thought I'd find myself setting up a blog but here I am. Why? Been doing a lot of thinking recently, about a lot of things. One of those things is community - particularly Christian community. As I read the Bible I see that the early Christian church was all about community - real people making real strong connections. It was all about parties, BBQ's on the beach, going to the temple together, sharing meals, sharing their whole lives together. As I read I see strong bonds of genuine love and concern. Then I started examining my own life to see how it compares. Is strong community a part of my relationship with God? I attend a large church which has many good points but it's hard to have a deep connection with 500 people. Sometimes I long to move to a smaller church but I know that's not what God wants right now. So how can I make deep relationships a bigger feature in my life? I've started to realise that part of the answer lies in me getting off my butt and making more effort. Part of it is about being more creative in the ways I connect - hence setting up a blog. God created us to be interdependant. There are many lessons in life that I can only learn if others teach me and things I can only understand with others help. To be me, I need you. I'm hoping this blog will give me a chance to explore my thoughts and share my experiences alongside other people. I guess like a cyberspace pilgrimage? So, greetings my fellow pilgrims. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey.

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