Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A day in the life of a working momma

6:30am - I hear the boy stirring over the baby monitor. Hubby climbs out of bed and goes to get him and brings him into our bed. Sleepily attach kid to boob and try to fall back to sleep but fail cos he keeps kneeing me in the belly.

After milk, sit the boy between me and hubby, hand him one of his favourite books, roll over and try to fall back to sleep again while he uses my face as a book rest. The book keeps him amused for all of 5 mins. Boy begins patting my face, pulling my hair and climbing on me to try to reach things on my bed side table. Have to repeatedly prevent child from diving head first off the bed.

7:45am - alarm goes off and I drag myself out of bed. Make a cup of tea and jump in the shower. Hubby appears in the bathroom a few minutes later and puts the boy in his walker while he goes to make breakfast. Spend most of my shower playing peekaboo round the shower screen. Chat to the boy while I get dressed and he excitedly honks the horn on his walker.

We all head to the lounge where hubby feeds the boy his porridge and I run around finding my socks, packing lunch and putting on jewellery. Eat my breakfast in a rush and manage to down half my lukewarm cup of tea before running to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Say a hurried goodbye to my two boys before running out the door with no make up on and having done nothing to my hair.

8:30am - Time to start work. Make the teas for everyone to get the day off to a good start. Then it's head down and work like crazy until 2pm comes round.

2:05pm - Run out of the office and head home to finally get lunch. Fold laundry while hubby does dishes then help him to finish making food.

2:30pm - Finally sit down to eat lunch while checking emails and writing our food menu for the next week.

2:45pm - Boy wakes from his nap and wants to play. Spend time being climbed on, reading books and holding the boy's hands while he practises walking round the house. Feed him some milk then a quick nappy change before heading into town to pick up a few things. It's a nasty one - pretty obvious he had chilli for dinner last night! The boy doesn't want his nappy changed and so keeps trying to roll over and crawl away resulting in poo being spread all up his legs. Lovely!

4:30pm - Get home from town, rush in the house to put things away, then head to the park. Hot weather and no shade hinders our plan to go on the swings so instead we go sit under a big tree. The boy isn't happy with sitting - he wants to be moving. After a little crawling practice he grabs my hands, pulls himself up and begins walking away. I have little choice but to follow as he charges around the park chasing pigeons. One male pigeon is trying to get his game on with a girl pigeon and the boy totally ruins the mood by rushing at them both.

5:15pm - get home from the park, heat up some homemade pasta sauce and make spaghetti. While hubby feeds the boy his spaghetti and sauce I make a batch of baby carbonara to put in the freezer. After dinner there's time for a little more play before.....

6:00pm - family bathtime. We all pile in together and have fun splashing and playing with stacking cups and rubber ducks. While hubby gets the boy dressed I shave my legs for the first time in a week.

After bath time we pray together and say goodnight to daddy. I get the boy in his sleeping bag, read him a story and feed him some more milk. Then I put him in his cot with his bear, say good night and head upstairs to see how hubby is doing with making dinner. Tidy up a little and do some online banking while baby bear chatters contentedly over the baby monitor.

Hubby serves up a lovely dinner and we sit and eat while watching West Wing which is interrupted every 10 mins by one or the other of us going down to check the boy isn't trying to climb out of his cot or anything silly. He finally falls asleep just after 8pm - phew! Time for a quick bit of gardening followed by a cup of tea and some leftover Christening cake while we look at flights to the USA to see the in laws.

Finally about 9pm we settle down for some proper 'mummy daddy time' by which time I'm shattered!

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