Sunday, November 18, 2012


It's Josiah's favourite time of day...bath time.  No matter how grumpy he may be beforehand, as soon as the process of undressing him for bath time begins his face lights up. He lays on his changing mat and grins and coos and grins some more.

My son seems to think bath time is solely for him to practise his swimming and gets most upset when I dare to suggest a bath might actually be for washing him! He loves splashing around practising his back stroke and doesn't seem to care at all when water gets in his eyes. We have to keep telling him not to try to drink the water cos it's really not the same as when he was in my tummy!

Here's a little clip of Josiah chatting away while getting ready for his bath...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, he is SO gorgeous!! Love the little tongue hehe
