Monday, November 12, 2012

Night feeding

Little bear has managed to sleep until almost midnight and it's time to get up for a feed. We get ourselves comfortable and in our sleepy state begin to feed. Then just a few minutes in I feel a warm wet gush down my side. Yep, that's right, he just puked all down my boob - yuk! Like any other mum I have a muslin in arms reach at any given moment no matter where I am. I grab said muslin, mop up what I can of the mess (easier said than done in the dark) and carry on feeding.

After a while it's time to switch sides. It's then that I notice a HUGE wet patch all down my side. This time it's not baby sick. Apparently my boob has sprung a major leak soaking through one breast pad and two layers of clothing. Great!

Time to take a quick break as daddy changes his nappy and I grab a drink. Sat in the dark waiting for the nappy change to be done I hear Josiah cooing and gurgling while a grumpy daddy tells him it's not play time, it's sleep time. As the nappy is removed I hear Josh exclaim 'how did you get poo there?' Somehow it's all up his back and in his arm pit! Time to go get him a clean change of clothes (which he promptly pukes on only minutes after putting on).

Fifteen minutes and two more puking incidents later and the feed is over. I put little bear back into his crib and he coos to himself and/or his teddies for a few minutes before falling asleep. I go change my T-shirt and settle back to sleep.

Now it's 4am and time for another feed. Five minutes into the feed, guess what? He puked again! All over my clean shirt! And then looked up at me and smiled! I explained to him it wasn't something to smile about and he'd made a mess of another shirt, not to mention the duvet cover and my pillow. What was his response? He laughed at me! He's lucky his giggles are so darn cute!

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