Friday, October 26, 2012

Josiah's diary - October 26th

Well today started out pretty slow. I kept telling mummy it was time for breakfast and she kept rolling over and falling asleep again. I tell you the service round here is going down hill! She said she was really tired - something to do with waking up every 2 hours last night to feed me. What can I say - I'm a growing boy. And besides, I though mummys were superhuman beings with an endless supply of energy.

We had a lazy morning in our pyjamas and then in the afternoon we all went into town. I decided to take a nap in the pram while mummy and daddy did boring things like food shopping.  Then mummy and daddy decided to go for a cheeky pumpkin spiced latte while I was asleep. Can't believe they were trying to do something fun without me! It's ok though cos I stirred just as they sat down. As soon as I realised where I was I woke up fully and demanded they let me join in. So we hung out together drinking coffee (well milk in my case), dancing to the music and watching strangers hurry by.

Actually, mummy and daddy seem to spend a lot of their time recently hanging out drinking coffee. Yesterday mummy took me to meet up with girls from the student group for coffee and Bible study and the day before daddy did the same thing with the student guys.

The Bible study was actually quite interesting. They were talking about theology. You're probably thinking I'm way too young to be tackling such an intellectual subject but actually they were talking about the fact that theology is for everyone.  People think you have to be really clever to do theology (or any other 'ology' for that matter). But theology just means 'God logic' (theo=god, logos=logic) - thinking about God.  You don't have to be super clever to be able to have thoughts about God. Some guy said that to be human is to be a theologian. Everyone thinks about God - from the atheist who thinks God isn't real, to the Buddhist who thinks God is found within them, to the agnostic who thinks God is probably out there somewhere but has no idea what this God might be like.

So, I am a theologian and so are you! The question is will we be good theologians or bad ones? Will we just let preachers or Bible commentaries or the media tell us what to think about God? Or will we study the Bible for ourselves with an open mind and allow God to reveal Himself to us?

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