Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year, New start

As a new year dawned I stumbled across these two articles about reflecting on the old year and refocussing at the start of the new year.

I suggested to hubby that we sit down and consider some of the questions posed in the articles and we had a great time chatting about our highs and lows over the last year and our hopes for the new year. We made some promises to God and each other and came away with a renewed sense of vision.

There are several good habits I've been wanting to cultivate in my life. One is trying to find a balance with housework - a balance between making sure the house is clean but not spending so long cleaning that I don't get time to enjoy my family.  I'm going to try doing just one quick job each day and have written myself a wipe clean tick list for each month (I'm very much a lists kinda person and love the sense of achievement when I can tick things off). I've stocked up on cleaning supplies and created myself a handy little portable cleaning tool kit. For tips on getting organised, recipes for homemade cleaning products and a whole host of free printable organisational tools, check out cleanmama.

Another good habit I want to develop is making time in our day for family Bible study. Not easy with a little one but I knew I needed to stop making excuses and get on with it - what can possibly be more important that feeding my soul?! I've gotten so lazy in the mornings over the winter months that I've been skipping breakfast and getting ready in a rush just so I could stay under the duvet longer. Now we've made a pact to get up earlier to do Bible study and eat breakfast together. We've got some Bible study notes, set the alarm clock and even bought a big wall clock so I can see when I'm running late.

Other changes we've vowed to make include:
- Finding a new home group so we can grow together in Christ with others
- Making time to share our life with friends. We both miss our regular meals with our good friend Mike and hope to have friends round for dinner once a fortnight at least. So friends, please do invite yourselves round to our place for dinner! Also, we would love to go for more walks with friends so if anyone else is up for a good bit of fresh air, let us know.

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