Saturday, February 23, 2013

They learn so fast!

It amazes me how much kids learn in their early years. I thought I'd share with you some of the cute/fun things Josiah has been learning.

He gives great hugs now and sometimes when you go to kiss him he puts his hands either side of your face. I like to think it's to pull me in for a good smooch but I know it's probably more to do with his love of touching people's faces. He loves to stroke his daddy's beard and pull my hair and grab noses. (We've been teaching him that noses make a honking sound - tee hee!)

He's developed massive curiosity about the world around him and is very alert. This makes feeding him a challenge as now he plays with my clothes, pulls away to chat or tries to hang upside down to look at/reach things behind him. It seems like only a few weeks ago that Josiah was reliant on us to hand him things to look at and he could barely hold them. Now he can reach out and grab whatever interests him, hold it with both hands and even pass items from one hand to another. He's still at the stage where his main method of examining things is to put them in his mouth. In the last 24 hours the following items have ended up in Josiah's mouth:  a windmill, a plastic flower, several empty food wrappers, the baby monitor, my phone, a cereal bowl, my nectar card and some junk mail from a credit card company. Josh made the mistake of trying to text with Josiah on his lap the other day. Without hesitation these two little hands firmly gripped either side of the phone and put it straight in his mouth.

All I can say is heaven help us when he learns to crawl - nothing will be safe from being eaten!

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