Monday, August 20, 2012

Pregnancy week 37

I've come to the conclusion that crowds and pregnancy don't mix.  On Saturday we went to Flavourfest and instead of enjoying it like last year I actually found it quite stressful. As my husband ate his way from stall to stall (eating all kinds of pate and cheeses I wasn't allowed) I waddled behind him trying to avoid being elbowed in the belly.  People in crowds are so totally oblivious!  Noone seemed to be looking where they were going - they were all too busy looking at food or walking along texting.  It didn't take long for me to grow tired of waddling around, especially as I was too fat to squeeze through the crowds and get close to the stalls and even if I could have got close I wasn't allowed to eat most of the free samples anyway.  We decided to go and watch the cookery demos but the heat and pressure on my hips meant I soon had to sit down. Unfortunately there were no free seats. As I waddled from bench to bench looking for space and getting hotter and more flustered did anyone offer me a seat? Heck no! So I gave up and just sat on the floor which of course led to me getting stuck on the floor.  I really can't wait to be able to move around normally again - I feel like such an invalid!

Thankfully I've now reached week 37 and the end is in sight!! It's my last week at work before maternity leave, hospital bag packed just in case (though hopefully won't be needed) and plenty of homemade lasagne stock piled in the freezer.

Last week we went over our home birth plans with the midwife and she gave us our home birth kit. Hubby got excited to see what cool things would be included and was a little grossed out by some of the contents (especially the biohazard tub for disposal of the placenta!). It's crazy to think that he could be born any day now if he wanted - though I've told him he needs to wait at least until next week or else the plastic sheeting I've ordered from Ebay won't have been delivered and we'll have nothing to protect the carpet from the bloodbath of child birth.

Today I had my presentation scan which confirmed baby is definately head down. I could have told them that already though just by the recent increase in how often I have to get up to pee in the night (6 times last night!) as well as the fact that now everytime I sneeze the poor kid head butts me in the pelvis - not comfortable for either of us!  My back and hips are becoming quite uncomfortable and little mr fidget bum in there is making me feel like I'm being beaten up from the inside!  I couldn't help laughing the other day when my husband was giving me a hug and the baby kicked him square in the groin haha.

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