Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The pregnancy diary continues...

Once upon a time I used to find having a bath relaxing. Today my back and ribs were aching so I decided to take a nice bath.  This bath was anything but relaxing! I used to love a good hour long soak in the tub but there was no chance of that tonight. I was in the bath for only about 20 mins and had to get out to pee twice!

Shaving my legs has now become quite an ordeal.  No matter how I tried to shift position and contort myself my growing belly just would not let me get my legs near enough to reach.

Next I tried to lie down and take the weight off my bump but quickly realised that was a mistake as I couldn't sit up again! Thankfully we have one of those P shaped baths so the extra width allowed my to eventually roll over on to my side and then get up on all fours.  Thought I was gonna have to call hubby to come rescue me for a minute there. My husband has now become quite used to hearing the words "babe, I'm stuck" and having to rescue me cos I'm stuck on the sofa or can't get out of my tights haha.

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