Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Navigating the storms of life

Change is an inevitable part of life and the past few weeks at work have certainly been full of unexpected changes! I've found it interesting watching different people's reactions to all that has been going on. Some people are excited by the change but others are not coping so well (mentioning no names Mr grumpy pants in the corner!)

So what is it that influences our ability to cope with and even welcome change?  Like an anchor holding a boat in a storm, we all seem to need something or someone as that one stable thing to cling to.  Some of us feel able to weather any storm as long as our partner is still by our side. Others feel sure they can handle any challenge as long as they have money.  Some place their security in their career. And others may feel that no matter who else abandons them in life they will always have their parents to rely on. So what is it for you? What is your anchor?

The problem with all these things is that none of them are 100% solid. Jobs get axed, relationships end, people die and money gets lost. So is there anything or anyone we can fully rely on to help us through the storms of life? I believe I have found the answer.

The Bible says there is one person we can always rely on:

    "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!" Hebrews 13:8

King David wrote:

    "The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer. My God is my rock— I take refuge in him!- he’s my shield and my salvation’s strength, my place of safety and my shelter." 2 Samuel 22:2-3

I have found this to be true in my own life. I remember a time in my late teens when a lot of changes hit me all at once and I was trusting in my partner at the time to get me through. So when he left me in the middle of the changes I kinda went off the deep end and was a mess for a while.  But over the past few years I have learnt to put my trust in Jesus more and more.  Not so long ago I went through a period of massive change like never before. In 18 months I moved house 4 times, changed jobs 5 times, changed church twice and went from being single to engaged to married!  Through it all I was able to remain (mostly) calm as I had total trust that no matter what else happened I knew I could rely on Jesus and his promises to me in the Bible.

Through all the storms of life my daily prayer is this...

"Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen today that you and I can't handle together."

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