Monday, August 29, 2011

Surrounded by your glory..what will my heart feel?

I had a great phone conversation last night catching up with the lovely Gaby Barrera. I love talking to her cos she's one of those people who asks me the questions that matter - like "what are you learning?" and "how has your marriage grown in the last year?" and "how has your relationship with God grown since you got married?"

After our conversation I sat and thought more over her questions and begun to realise that honestly my relationship with God is not as healthy as it should be. It's easy to make excuses as to why I struggle to find time to get alone with God but if I wanted it that bad I would make the time.

I then got to thinking about the fact that really the most important relationship in life is our relationship with Jesus because it's the one relationship that will out last all others. One day I will meet Jesus face to face. What will that be like? That will depend a lot on what my relationship with Jesus is like in this life. Would it be like one of those awkward times when you bump into an old friend you haven't seen for a while? Or would it be like being reunited with your best friend? Or would it be like meeting someone for the first time after hearing a lot about them from others? Or maybe for some people it wouldn't be a big deal at all cos they spend so much time hanging out with Jesus in this life that it would just seem like normal.

How about you? If you met Jesus face to face right now how would you feel?

And how much time are you investing in growing your relationship with Jesus? Think about how a young couple prepare to spend the rest of their lives together. They spend time hanging out together, talking together, on the phone to each other loads, spending loads of time together - all to get to know each other better and lay a good foundation for the relationship that will last the rest of their lives. How much more effort should we put into growing our relationship with Jesus ready for when we get to spend the rest of Eternity with Him in Heaven?!!
So, are you spending time with Jesus? Are you reading stuff that helps you to know Jesus more? Are you spending time with people that help you grow closer to Jesus? What have you done today to grow your relationship with Him?

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