Thursday, March 06, 2008

Selective blindness

As you sit comfortably in your nice warm home or office in front of your computer screen, take a moment to consider those who don't have a home or a job. These people are so often forgotten and invisible. Well, no, not invisible actually - it's more that we're blind, we refuse to see!!

So often as we read the Bible we interpret it through the eyes of our own experience; we see things how we want to see them and interpret them in the way that we feel most comfortable with. But when read properly the Bible should make us feel distinctly uncomfortable about our comfortable lifestyles. Let's not forget that Jesus was a homeless bloke!! So how is it that so many Christians (myself included), supposed followers of Jesus, are often so oblivious to the poor in their community.

Why not spend sometime allowing God to show you the poor, oppressed and forgotten people around you and allow you to see life through their eyes for a little while. Check out sites like or and take some action!


  1. Hi,

    There would be much to say about this post, and some of the others I read here. For the sake of simplicity, I will limit myself to a single comment only though.
    Reading your posts I find it somewhat striking that you almost always consider God as an entity outside your own person, a real "someone" separated from us. This view is prone to attaching qualities, thoughts and personification to a "something" we create in our mind. Far from me to start here a debate which would take us far away. I would consider though that the ordinary western view of God might me inappropriate, or simply limited, to take into account the uncountable manifestation of humanity and things in this universe (and possibly in others).
    Take care.

    P.S. thank you for your kind and keen comment on my work. I appreciated it.

  2. Thanks for your comment Andrea. I agree that the Western idea of God is limite and only gives us part of the picture. I've been reading some stuff by Eastern Mystics recently. You may enjoy this site I've been thinking recently about the concept of God living within each of us. In India people greet each other with the word Namaste which I'm told translates as 'I honour the Holy One in you'.

  3. Indeed, to put it simple, I don't think even the smallest dust particle lost in the vast space of the most remote galaxy can't be part of God.
    I would say that the mere thought of existence beyond him is unconceivable.

    P.S. I have no idea about whether you would like to discuss this topic further. If so, there are obviously more straightforward means than post comments.

  4. Anonymous3:34 pm

    Thanks for leaving a comment. Also, thanks for this poem and post. You're always welcome to tell me about your day in seven words! Have a great day.

  5. I'm always happy to hear people's thoughts about life, the universe and everything. If you want to discuss more then feel free to email me at
