Friday, February 15, 2008


It’s always the same. Everywhere you go are those kids who know the name of every pro, they know all the jargon and they read Kingdom magazine and Be-Mag religiously. They have the newest skates and the clothes to match. They strut around in their xxxl t-shirt, Fiction cargo joggers and Mindgame hoodie and they call themselves skaters! They talk the talk, but can they actually skate? They try to look the part, but you can see straight through them.

Rolling isn’t just an outward expression of a fashion proven only by an image. No, it’s more than that. It’s an inward identity expressed on the outside by your character. It’s proven by loyalty, commitment, determination, persistence, perseverance and it penetrates your attitudes, your loves, your hates, your entire lifestyle. It’s far more deep rooted than a hobby. You might not know how to pull all the latest tricks. It doesn’t matter. It’s not based on head knowledge or skill level. It’s based on heart passion. The kids who call themselves skaters based on appearance are an insult to the truth, but that’s the way it is!

You can spot someone truly devoted to God the same way. Some people know all the phrases, go to all the meetings, have all the latest books and can always appear to have life sussed. They say they love God, they’ll tell you: ‘Jesus loves you!’ It doesn’t go very far. A true lover of God can’t be proven by an image of holiness, only with a genuine deep founded character, not of perfection, but of truth. They can admit their faults and forgive others for theirs. A true passion for God will soon knock your focus off yourself and on to others. Don’t tell me how much God loves me, show me!

There are many sportsmen.
There are some Skaters.
And there are a few hardcore rollers.

There are many religious people.
There are quite a lot of Christians.
And there are some who love God.

Being at a skatepark doesn’t make you a skater. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian.
There will always be people who are an insult to those of us who are real. That’s the way it is. ‘False prophets’ have always existed: people who twist the truth with a matching image, but operate a selfish heart. The only interest they have is themselves.

These people will always exist. Let’s accept this fact, but not let it stand in our way of the truth. We can go round them.
I’m sure many times in your life you’ll have been fed a false image of who God is by people who seem all holy and ‘Christian’. Lets go round them, because behind the mask of religion is the true face of God. It’s in everyone’s interest to seek it. There is a truth far greater than any treasure, which has been buried beneath hypocrites, fakes, liars, religious people and the ignorant. Take some time to dig it up!
Hopefully this blog will help. I’m real sorry for those of you who’ve been turned off from seeking the truth, by these types of people. Make up your own mind, go round them! What do you believe?

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