Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mmmmmmm brownies!

For Christmas Josiah got one of those bouncer thingys you hang from the doorway and he LOVES it. Unfortunately the only doorway in our house that it fits on is in the kitchen meaning I now spend much more time in the kitchen than I used to. As a result the washing up is being done a lot more regularly (probably a good thing!) and I've been doing a lot more baking.

This week I've been experimenting with chocolate brownie recipies. I've discovered a great recipe for Microwave Chocolate Brownies that's super quick and easy and thought I would share it with you all.

1. Melt 150g butter in the microwave
2. Add 200g sugar. Doesn't matter if it's caster sugar or granulated - I've done it with both and either is good.
3. Add cocoa powder. The original recipe says 65g but I found that too rich. For todays batch I tried 45g instead and that seemed much more reasonable.
4. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.
5. Add two eggs, stirring thoroughly after each one.
6. Add 100g plain flour.
7. Pour into a microwave safe baking tin and microwave on full power for 4-5 mins depending on your microwave. Basically when it just starts to pull away from the sides of the tin it's done. Take it out and leave to cool before cutting up.

I've been experimenting to try to get the right texture on them. So far mine turn out pretty cakey but I'm aiming for chewy. I read that for chewy brownies add more flour and for fudgey brownies add an extra egg yolk. And apparently the crispy top to brownies is a result of whisking the mixture lots after adding the eggs.

I will continue to experiment to get the perfect brownie and let you know my findings. It's a tough job but I'm willing to make the sacrifice for you all.

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