Thursday, June 07, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I'm still enjoying this journey of discovery that is pregnancy.  Discoveries for this week include discovering I can no longer see my feet and that the swollen ankles (or 'cankles' as Josh likes to call them) have now set in.  Also discovered that now I can not only feel the baby move but can see it.  We were watching TV the other day and then started to see my belly jump around as the baby kicked and rolled around  - what a great new party trick!

As time goes by the baby feels less like indigestion and more like a little personality who responds to the world around him (like dancing along to 'Street Dance' the movie or kicking the midwife when she tries to measure his heartbeat or responding to the sound of his daddys voice as he reads Bible stories at bed time).

I'm beginning to see how lucky I am to have a great husband to share this journey with - someone to share my excitement with when I discover new things, someone to point out symptoms I hadn't noticed ('look babe - you've got stretch marks'......'ooo your belly button is nearly an outy!'.....etc), someone to take photos to help us remember forever, someone to browse 'toys r us' with, someone to help me work out how to use the baby carrier....

The other day I came home to find Josh sat on the floor surrounded by pushchair parts trying to work out how to put the cover back on the car seat and put the whole 'travel system' together.  He was loving getting the hang of all the buttons, perfecting his technique of switching it from one mode to another and giving me lessons in how it all works haha. I love how involved he's been in my pregnancy and know the journey wouldn't be as much fun without him. I thank God everyday that I have such good support and that our baby has a daddy who's already so in love with him and wanting to be involved in his life.


  1. Anonymous9:47 pm

    love ready all your updates x

  2. Anonymous10:26 am

    Just hope he is as involved after the birth
