Thursday, August 01, 2013

Josiah's Diary - August 1st

This afternoon was fun. I went into town with mummy and daddy and went to play in the new play area in the shopping centre. There is funny fake grass and footballs and building blocks. I tried to play with the blocks but Daddy kept taking them so he could build a tower so I decided to go exploring. I spotted Costa Coffee and started crawling that way but mummy grabbed me and told me I'm too young to go for coffee. I seem to be too young for all the good stuff.

Mummy said I'm not allowed to go off on my own in the shopping centre but she let me hold her hands and go for a walk together. I love being able to move around and go where I want. I'm so glad I made the effort to learn to crawl. This week I learnt to climb the stairs too and as mummy and I were walking around I saw the coolest thing - moving stairs!! As soon as I saw them I headed straight for them, dragging mummy behind me. Some people were laughing at me and I didn't understand why. Mummy explained it was because I was trying to run up the 'down' stairs whatever that means. Mummy picked me up and carried me up the correct stairs instead. When we got to the top mummy put me down so I could walk again so where do you think I went? - straight towards the other moving stairs. Mummy still wouldn't let me ride the stairs alone. She says I'm not allowed until I'm big enough to hold the rail. What if I never grow that big?! But it was still fun riding down as mummy carried me. When we got to the bottom I tried to run up the other moving stairs again but mummy said that was quite enough of that game so we went to play in the toy section in Mothercare instead.

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